3 Ways You Can Help

Best gift 2

Donate timeVolunteer to help with the collection and delivery of fruit and vegetables, or to help with collecting produce during the week from distributors, supermarkets, schools.
Contact us if you would like to set up a Veg Box Donation Scheme in your area. Locally sourced food for local households in need, provided and run by the local community!
Donate produce – Help us fill the veg boxes for those in need with donations of home-grown or bought fresh fruit, vegetables and eggs, or donate a ready-made veg box for a family in financial need in our community. Our veg boxes provide a nutritious diet for a household of 1-2, 3-4, or 5-6 people. You could use a shoe box for a small family, or a delivery box you have received, or contact us for a suitable size box, and fill it with purchased potatoes, onions, carrots, brassicas, tomatoes, apples - anything that you would normally purchase for your family. We could send you examples of the ingredients for a typical box if you prefer. See Local Schemes for info on local collection venues or contact us to arrange for a drop off, or for us to collect from residents, distributors, schools, supermarkets and farmers.
Donate £ – Support the wider work of VBDS by giving a one-off donation or becoming a VBDS One-in-5000 member with a monthly donation. Contact us for more information, or donate online via the website below: